Leadership Development Program (LEAD)


Mô tả

People not in management often think management is easy, and that's far from the truth.

Over 2 million people being promoted into management roles each year, and the transition from a successful employee to a successful manager is one of the hardest. It requires a new skillset, involves new responsibilities, new ways of relating to your co-workers, new ways of looking at the world.

Ensuring the new manager success is also crucially important to the success of the entire organization.

Nippon Paint Malaysia has designed the first ONLINE Leadership Learning Modules, called e-LEAD, to help the new managers succeed in their new roles. It focuses on the essential skills and knowledge needed by the new managers to execute and manage their teams effectively.

Life is a journey of learning and adapting. Start your journey now!

Happy Learning!


Content Disclaimer:

These training materials are intended to assist our employees to improves their leadership skills. The training contents are referred to the LEAD Workshops conducted by Brainwave Consultants Sdn. Bhd. in 2016, and are also referred to the Leadership Articles/Websites in the Google.

The information presented herein is merely for educational and informational purposes.

Created by: NPM

Nội dung
  • Introduction to Module 3.0: Building An Effective Team
  • M3.1: Managing A Team - Where Do I Begin?
  • Company Core Values
  • LFG Core Values
  • The Power of WHY
  • [Video] How Great Leaders Inspire Action By Simon Sinek
  • The Golden Circle
  • Building A Vision
  • [Article] 4 Steps To Creating A Shared Vision That Will Energize Your Team
  • [Article] How To Build A Strong Team Vision?
  • Setting Team Goals
  • Getting The Right People In The Team
  • [Article] Get the Right People on the Bus
  • [Article] The Secret to Getting the Right People on the Bus
  • What is A Great Team?
  • Team Development
  • [Article] How To Manage A Team - 10 Tips For Success?
  • [Video] How to Diagnose Your Team Problems?
  • [Video] How to Restore Team Unity?
  • M3.2: Driving Team Performance
  • What is Coaching?
  • How Coaching Works?
  • How To Become A Coach?
  • [Article] How To Coach For Improved Performance?
  • Coaching The Uncoachable
  • [Article] How To Coach An Uncoachable Employee
  • [BrainWave] 31 Powerful Coaching Questions
  • M3.3: Team Communication
  • The Art of Communication
  • Verbal Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Body Language
  • [Article] Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions
  • [Article] 5 Ways New Managers Can Communicate Better With Their Team
  • [Article] How to Improve Team Communication: The Ultimate Guide
  • M3.4: Managing Conflicts
  • What is Conflict?
  • What is Conflict Resolution?
  • What's Your Conflict Resolution Styles?
  • How To Resolve Conflict At Work?
  • [Article] 5 Conflict Management Styles for Every Personality Type
  • [Article] 5 Strategies For Resolving Employee-Manager Conflict
  • M3.5: Managing Your Team Like A HR Manager
  • What You Need To Know About Hiring The Right People?
  • Who is Hiring Manager?
  • Hiring Strategy
  • HIring Process
  • [BrainWave] Hiring Process Notes
  • [Video] How to Write a Job Description?
  • [BrainWave] Sample of Job Descriptions
  • [BrainWave] Sample of Cover Letters
  • [BrainWave] Sample of Resumes
  • [BrainWave] Sample Struture of Interview
  • [BrainWave] Interviewing Bias
  • How To Deal With A Difficult Employee?
  • M3.6: Managing Stress
  • What is Stress?
  • How To Manage Stress?
  • [Self Assessment] Perceived Stress Scale
  • Managing Stress in Your Employees
  • [Article] Stress In The Workplace
  • [Article] How You Deal With Stress Can Ruin Your Employees’ Jobs?
  • [Article] Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout
Quy tắc hoàn thành
  • Tất cả các bài học phải được hoàn thành
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Trọn đời
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